08 June 2010

Sila Amek Ye..

 tau kan camne "award" nih "berfungsi"/"guna"..? save the image above and upload it to your own blog and just simply answer the questions below.

btw, sori kat yana sbb dlu dia ade bg award tapi smpi skang tak wat post pasal tu. aritu problem sangat. skang aku x tau simpan mane award tu. sori ek? ^^;;
1) Thank & link the person that gave you the award.
thanks to my dear roomie Alin~ lame x main award. haha.. 

2) Pass this award onto 5 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantastic.
recently discover aih? hurmm.. not many. but i'll give it a shot. XP
aaish.. forget it. rules are meant to be broken.
so I'll just give this to ALL my lovey blog readers. ^^

3 ) contact said blog n let them know they've won the award
if u followed me then u'll know right..? huhu..

4) state 5 things about yourself
# sensitive
# protective
#abstruse(pada yang baru kenal)
# kpop addict(not really that fanatic =.=")
# why.do.YOU.care..?



comment is a priviledge. but dont take things for granted.