27 August 2009


One day, a little girl followed her mum to the bank. While the mother was busy using the ATM machine, the little girl playfully 'kacau2' her mother. When the money came out of the teller, the little girl said in awe, " waaah.. mak dapat duit percuma..".

- kisah Husna dengan Mak. :)


25 August 2009

the 50th post

yesterday's assesment.. sucks. my model was horrible. although i manage to do the technical drawing and panel beforehand.. but the model was a COMPLETE disaster.. haish..

wat 3D model nye mmg la cm kiut la apela.. tp sbb kesuntukan waktu.. model tu x dpt disiapkan scr sempurna.. mne taknye.. aku dok asah small parts pon dh berejam.. pakai manual la katakan.. yg mesin nye kat studio dak2 nih pinjam.. tp aku wat keje ngan member len kat hostel.. hurmm.. tp dh ade 1 je bnde nye.. percuma saje klu aku tgu mesin yg satu tu..

dh la time ases cm hampeh jerk.. dunno what to say lor.. awl2 rse cm nk nanges tapi sbb penat tu menguasai diri.. x larat dh nk kua tenage nk nages.. wat bodo sudey.. ari khamis nih ade lg.. bru wat model 40%, report 80%, technical and panel 0%.......

Hi5 Emoticon

segarkan la aku balik.. huhu..


20 August 2009

a quickie..

today is the last day for my bro.. he's heading back to US now.. adeke patut sblm nk gi tu, pagi dlm kul 4(aku x tdo smpi subuh sbb wat solidwork.. huhu) die gi bg sebungkus beg plastik hitam yg ade keychain?? org patut nye bg souvenier time after die menjejak kaki kat Malaysia kan.. papejela.. sume yg die beli bentuk lelain.. sbb die bg kat aku dlu.. jdik dpt la pilih 1st.. ehehe. rambang mata lak coz sume cmbest.. last2 pilih yg bentuk teddy bear.. sbb comey.. ^^ ooh i forgot to thank you.. kamsahamnida dear bro~

by the way,

reason x update:

assesment 1st ari isnin nih!!!! tpi model xsiap2 lagi.. nmpknye kne wat panel n tech drawing dlu la.. adeiyh.. ni sume gara2 kelas td.. tah nape encik tu x bagi ktorg wat keje tuk model org len.. pada hal ktorg nk kejar bengkel kot.. dh la bukak(bengkelnye) lambat tp tutup nk awl.. saiko betulla............ huhu...


09 August 2009


Now that i am actually reading a textbook on Psychology, i really wonder about some things. about Nature & Nuture. about the brain, people's characteristic, pseudo-psychology and other things related with human psychology. before this, i was thinking like someone who never learned about psychology. all those guessing about what they think, what he thinks, what she thinks and to say that i can get most of it accurate is not actually a miracle. mine was based on experience.

anyway, to cap it all off.. im having a Psychology test tomorrow. enough said.

p/s: to tekah ; astrology is pseudo-psychology. huahuahua...


04 August 2009

It has been...

a lousy hols. i didnt enjoy it so much and to cap it all off, the whole load of work that needed to be done. this is why i hate people pestering me about my end of semester's break. coz thats the ONLY three months i can enjoy my peace. huh.


01 August 2009


paperwork ade tapi x start lg..
jap gi aku wat..
nek ats nk amek buku Principles of Marketing
tp sbb abg bkk laptop
n laptop die je leh men tenet
n die pon xde disekitar laptop nye
maka nye aku pon men la.. kejap hehe ^^;;

tp aku on pon nk kne cek
lms uh (ade quiz 4!!) huhu..
n mgm nye kelas maya pon kne tgk gak
klu x tgk abes la ketinggalan..
kdg2 x suke gak
tp klu facebook rajen bkk..
takkan due tu pon xleh nk cek kn?
well demi nk belajar............

ah psl tajuk blog nih
due ari lpas aku tgk The Proposal
Ryan Reynolds & Sandra Bullock nye lakonan

one word : BEST!

tapi spe x suke romantic comedy
x yah la tgk n duk kutuk2 nye after tht
dh ckp pon jenis cte uh..

ermm lps case study report
nk smbg bikin sketches
yg sudah bikin idup ku haru

btw, rupenye cm router wifi ni yg prob. tp cm pelik je cmne ia leh rosak.. ntahler..
