25 December 2009

25/12 = Xmas and ...

not that i'm celebrating it. haha. it's YANA's birthday today. because i'm kinda bored while waiting for my FO download to finish, i might as well update something here.

dear YANA,
you're twenty now,
so welcome to the club ^^
don't think of it like we're old
think of it like we're maturing ourselves.
20 is of course never too old.
it may be the turning point of your life
even tho some insist on 21.
that's for next year anyway.
and by this i end,
hApPy 20th my friend.
may ALLAH bless u till the end. :D

p/s: i didn't intend it to become a poem. owh well.

p/s 2: jgn la kawan2ku yg lain terase coz aku sayang korg same rata ^^ -payce.



  1. trime kaseh!! trime kaseh!!
    sesungguh nye aku sgt TERHARU...
    aku xtua..yes!!

  2. kwn2 len?adekah including me?uhu..oke2..+_+

  3. yana : hehe.. kaseh diterima~

    syaz : yela sayang.. ^^


comment is a priviledge. but dont take things for granted.