10 December 2010


to my moody self yesterday, I fail in calculating. LOL. I thought my result dropped tragically but after my dad checked it today, I still maintained my CGPA. that's a relief.

the results are not official, that's why I need to calculate it by myself. however, I'm still not pleased with my internship. I worked hard y'know?

no matter. I should not be complacent. I should not be complacent. I should not be complacent. I still have one more semester to go...

my dad taught me this word.


  1. pe dlm bhsa melayu nye?xphm mksud complacent tuh.. =_=

    lek lek..hm..bape dpt mrkh utk prktikal?

  2. dalam BM leh disimpulkan macam "perasaan bangga diri yg amat terhadap pencapaian diri sendiri" bangga yg semacam lupe daratan gtu la..


comment is a priviledge. but dont take things for granted.