31 October 2010


frustrated thinking of it. maybe I should not think of it. but every time I look into it, I think about it. maybe I should not look into it because it always make me think of it. when I think of it I get frustrated even more. then do not think at all. say what..?

what little problem I have.


  1. nape ni beb?pe masalahnye?projek ke?3d dring siap da??saya belum setat ape2 lagi :( help me

  2. definitely can be turned into a poem =D

  3. syaz - benda remeh plus karut je.. bukan nak risau pasal final ni pon.. adeyh.. xpatut xpatut... patutnye kne risaukan final ni lebih.. huhu..

    mas - haha.. betul gak tu.. poem gini kena wat spontan.. kalau tak.. takde feel.. ^^


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