07 October 2011

IWishYouHere. Seriously.

What I'd do to have you here...

I wish you were here.

What I'd do to have you near...

I wish you were here."

Men need their spaces to love again. They go into their cave when they have problems.
Women needs attention and care when they're upset. They are like waves, having ups and downs.
It's not the mens' fault. It's just part of being a women.
We don't necessarily becomes moody or upset during PMS, it just happens.
We just need the support, care and attention when we're in this state. If we were asked to feel differently, then that's when it turns cold.

Men have their own cycle. Same goes to women in general.

p/s: akibat baca Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus by John Gray. baru baca separuh. hurmmmm...

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