22 October 2012


I really need to brush up my writing. In Malay AND English. Right now I'm having a writer's block. I have yet to draft up my proposal for Masters.

Well yeah.. Eventually I succumbed to the fact of having myself to further study. I know I'm being picky with things. Just because I dont want to do things out of pressure "everyone is doing it" thing.

Hmm niat kena betul.. Lillahita'ala kan?


09 October 2012


I love seeing those happy faces. I've been to several akad nikah ceremony and the most touching moments has got to be the doa', when the groom says "aku terima nikahnya.." and when all the guest says alhamdulillah and aminkan doa' bersama.

As for myself, sooner or later..I'll be in the exact situation. May Allah grant me patience with all that is happening right now.. Mesti ada hikmahNya kan? :')

Semoga teman2 yg da berumahtangga tabah menghadapi asam garam pahit manis sebuah perkahwinan itu..semoga kekal diberkati Allah hingga ke Jannah..amiin  <3