31 August 2010

At times..

At times you were shy
you couldn't talk to people properly
you would just stay quiet
and always listen what others would say.

At times you were straightforward
your thoughts were expressed
a little less burden at heart.

At times you were mad
you sometimes held it in
for the sake of those who truly cares
but other times
you just can't hold the flame.

At times you were happy
you like to share it with people
help spread the joy to world.

At times you were sad
you just let the tears flow
not because it's a sign of weakness
it's a sign of letting go
the depressing emotion.

At times you were tired
of all the things in life
you manage to get positive
and prepared for the worst
because when it came
you wouldn't feel as bad.

the "you" I'm talking about? .... is me.

p/s : may tomorrow be good.. Happy Merdeka people. Free your mind.


  1. esok before gerak tu bismillah..nak tido pon doa dulu untuk esok..spya sume bjalan lancar...pas solat subuh pon doa lagi ye..gudlaq no~~huhu

  2. wow kul 2pagi syaz xtdo lagi?? patut pon tadi cam ngantuk sakan.. tapi tadi cam sia2 je bgn awal kan? huhu.. dah la kne berdepan ngan akak garang.. takpela.. leh prepare dgn lebih baik esok!~ hehe..


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