25 March 2010

interbiu..? =/

lom graduate dah dapat keje dah? hebat hebat.. haha.. xde aa.. nih interbiu tuk latihan industri cuti sem nih.(esok dowh kul 2.30ptg. OMGee gee gee baby2x) 2 bulan je. agak pelik coz org lain 3 bulan lebih. owh well.. i didnt make up the rules.

hurmm tadi agak pissed off gara2 "si busuk" yang aku memang tak ngam gile nih kan.. dah aa slalu tak datang kelas(lagi bagus tak datang terus.. wat buruk name kelas je. chet) pastu tadi punye la aku ngan mama linda gi bengkel nak print portfolio ktorg.. mule2 dua org dak kelas ckp nak print report.. ok fine ktorg bg chance. tapi tak tau lak printer uh lembab nak mati bile render(<-betul ke?) A3 yang bergambar. hadoi..

yang aku marah tu satu sebab printer bangang uh.. then kedua si busuk yang ber-aura negatif tu bikin diri panas dan darah naik mendadak(seb baik aa aku jenis tekanan darah rendah). aih aku benci!! peduli ape aku kalau orang cakap "kalau benci nanti lama2 suke". huh. I dont really HATE him everytime he's around, it's just because he got this very VERY negative aura to me that I avoided talking to him in any way. owh did I ever mention he's so full of himself? next time if you think you did something yang-HEBAT-sangat, look back at your attitude and self discipline. your attitude just sucks dude.

seriusly that guy need some mental check or something. OR a shower with soap and all. he can tell his gf to remind him. ah the h***. gf pon sme perangai negative. hurmm.. =/


  1. so how interview 2??
    dpt LI kat situ x??

  2. interview tu ok je.. dh la aku wat portfolio tu last minute. seb bek aku mmg simpan hasil keje aku lek lok wpon ade yg ilang.

    tapi xtau lagi la jwpn die.. member aku cakap ade harapan coz ktorg LI 2bl je pn... huhu


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